Hi Everyone!
Mother's Day is celebrated differently all around the world. In Australia Mother's Day falls on Sunday, 11 May 2014. However, in Poland
it takes place two weeks later, on 26 of May. I was just wondering that maybe
as long as I'm living here I should "celebrate" both of dates and
make my Mom double happy! I think it makes sense and I'm pretty sure it will
make her smile!
No language can express the power and beauty of this love. Whatever happened in my life, my Mother was the one who was always there for me. Best friend, best critic and the strongest support. Very truly I hope that my Mom feels loved by me every single day...
Caring is sharing in both the good and during those not so good times as well, being able to to open up and talk frankly, be there to listen, lend a helping hand, comforting, celebrating, inspiring, enjoying, and appreciating each others company; so as to make other person feel happy by putting a smile on their face.
Cherish the people who care about you!
"When you
thought I wasn’t looking"
When you thought I wasn’t looking
You hung my first painting on the refrigerator
And I wanted to paint another.
When you
thought I wasn’t looking
You fed a stray cat
And I thought it was good to be kind to animals.
When you
thought I wasn’t looking
You baked a birthday cake just for me
And I knew that little things were special things.
When you
thought I wasn’t looking
You said a prayer
And I believed there was a God that I could always talk to.
When you
thought I wasn’t looking
You kissed me good-night
And I felt loved.
When you
thought I wasn’t looking
I saw
tears come from your eyes
And I learned that sometimes things hurt—
But that it’s alright to cry.
When you
thought I wasn’t looking
You smiled
And it made me want to look that pretty too.
When you
thought I wasn’t looking
You cared
And I wanted to be everything I could be.
When you thought I wasn’t looking—
I looked . . .
And wanted to say thanks
For all those things you did
When you thought I wasn’t looking
- Mary Rita Schilke Korzan